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19 Month Old Continuous Acid Poop

Green Poop in a 19 Mth Old.?

Updated on September 23, 2010

C.B. asks from Deridder, LA

14 answers

My daughter's BMs have been green and mucusy today no blood. but she hasnt eaten anything green or out of the oridinary. Anyone have even any suggestions on what mite be the problem/ if any?

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answers from Fayetteville on

My daughter went through a period where her poop was always green and mucousy. It went on long enough I talked to the doctor about it. He had me take a sample and they did some labs on it and it came back with nothing out of the ordinary. Eventually she got back to normal on her own and I never did know what it was. But, if they do continue and you are worried, I was able to just call in and pick up the lab sample tubes and then drop them off again, so no appointment, just lab. Hope that helps.

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answers from Sacramento on

Berries and caffeine can both make poop green. Does she still nurse? If you've had a lot (or even a little) caffeine, that could do it.

Does she seem like her tummy actually hurts? If not, I wouldn't worry.




answers from San Antonio on

green isn't a big deal. The green combined with mucus might be a sign of infection. If she has no other symptoms and she doesn't seem to have an upset stomach, I'd just wait it out. In a 19 mo. old most things will just run their course and she'll be fine. If you start noticing blood or black coffee grind looking stuff, obviously consult your pedi, but it's probably just some kind of lower intestinal bug that she'll get over on her own.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I second the grape colored food or drinks. We also discovered this summer that certain flavored sno cones and popsicles will do it as well!



answers from Dallas on

In adults, grren poo can be a sign that there are not ebough vegetables in the diet. I don't know if it would be the same for a baby, but more vegetables are never a bad thing. If you have trouble getting her to eat the, you could try "hiding" them in foods she does enjoy. We always put our pasta sauces (for speg. or lasagna...) in the food processor with frozen spinich. Our kiddos never even notice. Anyway, just a thought. If it persists, I'd check with her pediatrician.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Blue, red, purple dyes in food and drinks can cause it to be green. My son would have flourescent green poo because of these dyes. He loves popscicles. I hear gaterade and koolaid are some of the biggest culprits.



answers from Little Rock on

Grape Kool-aid or Purple dyed foods causes dark green bowel movements. It scared me the first time it happened to one of my kids, but it finally clicked when I realized that they had green bowel movements after having grape kool-aid or popcicles.



answers from New York on

Green isn't that unusual for poop. My daughter loves blueberries and that will do it and my son, now 4, had a very dark green from eating blue ice cream. Just keep an eye on it and most likely it will work itself out. If it goes on for days or you are worried check with the doctor.



answers from Los Angeles on

She could have picked up a virus because that will turn the poop green. Or too many veggies, or if she ate a plant leaf. If it doesn't change back in a few days it would warrant a call to the doctor. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

My kids have green bms when they eat a lot of blueberries. Has she been eating blueberries or other berries?



answers from Atlanta on

Has she eaten grapes or any grape flavored stuff? It will do it every time! Drink grape kool aid and you'll poop green!



answers from Baton Rouge on

If she's been having a snotty nose or post-nasal drip that could be why it's mucousy.



answers from Los Angeles on

Yes my 18 month old was having diarreah and we gave her grape pedialyte and it turned green also.


answers from Erie on

I love this site.
The Scoop On Poop:



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